

姓名:薛姗  性别:女  出生年月:1994.01

职称:讲师  所在系:工商管理系



薛姗,j9九游会官网工商管理系讲师。2022年毕业于中山大学管理学院企业管理专业,获管理学博士学位。主要研究领域为企业社会责任、公司治理和战略领导力。担任Management and Organization Review、Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management、Management Decision等国内外知名期刊匿名审稿人。
1. 管理学
2. 管理学研究方法
3. 财务管理
1. 2020-2023年度广东省社会责任研究优秀成果奖“一等奖”
1. 国家自然科学基金, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 71802201, CEO微博风格对消费者契合的作用机制探究:企业营销沟通的视角, 2019-01 至 2021-12, 18万元, 结题, 参与
1. 薛姗, 陈宏辉. 上市公司为何聘任“她力量”加入董事会?——基于组态视角的模糊集定性比较分析. 管理科学学报, 2024, 27(6), 69-87.
2. Xue, S., Tang, Y., Xu, Y. H., Ling, C. D., Xie, X. Y., & Mo, S. J. How board factional faultline affects corporate financial fraud? Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS 3星), 2022, 41(1), 351-376.
3. Xue, S., Zhang, L., Chen, H. H., & Yin, J. L. Does environmental underperformance duration affect firms’ green innovation? Evidence from China. Business Ethics: the Environment & Responsibility (SSCI 1区), 2022, 31(3), 662-681.
4. Xue, S., Xu, Y. H., & Chen, H. H., Corporate social performance feedback and corporate social responsibility decoupling in China: The salience of legitimacy and/or efficiency. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI 1区), 2024, 31(4), 3164-3180.
5. Xue, S., Chen, H. H., & Wu, J. T. Performance feedback and firm strategic actions: A cross-national meta-analysis. Management Decision (SSCI 2区), 2023, 61(7), 2201-2230.
6. 陈宏辉, 薛姗(通讯作者), 张麟.企业承担社会责任对员工情绪耗竭的缓解机制:一个被调节的中介模型. 中山大学学报, 2020, 60(3), 196-207.
7. 程雪莲, 薛姗, 陈宏辉, 史丽华. 身正为范: 责任型领导抑制员工消极行为的路径研究. 管理学报, 20(10), 1468-1476.
8. 刘梦蝶,陈宏辉,薛姗. 眼见为实: ESG 评级分歧与机构投资者实地调研. 金融评论,2024(4), 1-23.
1. Xu, Y. H., Gupta, V. K., Xue, S. (通讯作者), Mortal, S., & Chen, H.H. Does Female Management Representation Affect Corporate Financial Fraud? An Institutional Perspective. The 83rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2023, Boston, America.
2. Xu, Y. H., Xue, S. (通讯作者). Will female directors fight or flee after corporate fraud commitment? The 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2021, virtual.
3. Xu, Y.H., Gupta, V. K., Xue, S. (通讯作者), Mortal, S., & Chen, H.H. Female representation in top management and corporate financial fraud. The 41st Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2021.
4. Xue, S., Zhang, L., Chen, H. H. CSR, Emotional exhaustion and turnover intention: Perspective of conservation of resources theory. The 78th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2018, Chicago, America.
5. Xue, S., Zhang, L., Chen, H. H. CSR, Emotional exhaustion and turnover intention: Perspective of conservation of resources theory. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, 2018, Wuhan, China.

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